Christy Gamache

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Mom's visit continued....

After Keiko left, my mom and I continued to have more adventures in Ishikari.....

Mom at the chocolate factory...(don't ask how many times I've been there!)

And our cute little waiter!

Lunch with Harue-san and Yoshikoshi-san...

And tea with one of my Japanese teachers....Imakawa-sensei.

My other Japanese teacher, Arata-sensei, is a certified kimono-dresser! So, one morning we went to the Community Center and she dressed us up in kimonos, and then we got to have a tea ceremony. Here is mom in her lovely kimono.

Me, learning how to be the tea-ceremony master! It's amazing how difficult it is since there are so many little details to remember.

After the tea ceremony, along with our hosts.

Lunch out with Imakawa-sensei at my favourite Ishikari restaurant - Art Warm. It is an art gallery/restaurant/theatre, and it serves delicious international food.

More guests come to visit! On the left is Hiromi, then Mom, then Shiro (one of my kyudo instructors), and me...

Yaeko came to visit, along with this beautiful gift for mom. It can either be used as a bag, when tied together, or just used as a table cloth.

And that's the end of our adventures. Bye mom! Thanks for coming all the way to snowy/cold Hokkaido to visit. I'll miss you.


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