Christy Gamache

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Winter Fest Ishikari...

Yep..another festival! Enjoy the pictures...

For two nights last week I helped some of my co-workers from city hall build this snow sculpture. Actually, "helped" is rather loosely used, since Kae and I (the only two girls) did more supervision and moral support than "help"! Here are the beginning stages of our sculpture ("Shee-saw" Okinawa character).

Dzuma and Kae working away...

And it's almost finished!

Me and Kae supervising from our snow cave!

And taking a little break to enjoy the tubing run...It was awesome!!

One of the other sculptures in the contest...

Me pretending to be the "Salmon Rider", Ishikari's very own action figure!

And dressed up in the Ishikari salmon costume once again!

Kae holding our favourite festival snack...chocolate covered bananas. These ones were in cool tree shapes.

A classic Ishikari event. Three teams race, pulling a big net full of salmon across a snow field, and up and over a hill.

And of course, what is an Ishikari event without the Yosakoi dancers doing the Ishikari Sake (Salmon) Samba...


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