Christy Gamache

Monday, November 06, 2006

Saying Goodbye

On July 25th, five of my co-workers picked me up and drove me to the airport to fly home. When I think about the past year of my life, it's hard to believe how much I experienced and how much I learned. If I had to summarize the highlights in one word I would say "relationships". I had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people, and make so many wonderful friends.
So, here's goodbye to Japan in hopes that one day I can go back.

With my co-workers at the airport.

Me and Nizeki-san!!

Imakawa-sensei, one of my wonderful Japanese teachers, also came to the airport to say goodbye. Every week throughout the year she voluntarily gave me Japanese lessons. We always had so much fun together, and she spoiled me with so much tea and food after every lesson! Even at the airport she was giving me more chocolates!

Me and Kae.

And finally, farewell to my neighbour at the office, Sasaki-san.

English Camp

Probably the most rewarding thing I did in my job as an ALT, was the English Challenge Cup. The ECC is an English speaking competition for first year Junior High School, and first year Senior High School students. It is completely run and funded by JETs in Hokkaido. Students who wish to enter the competition practice with their ALT for several weeks and then have a video-taped test. This video tape is then marked by several judges. The top winner in all of Hokkaido gets to take a 2-week trip to an English speaking country of their choice, all expenses paid! The top 40 winners get to attend a 5 day English camp run by Hokkaido JETs. It's a really great program, and it really makes the kids use their English which they don't really get the chance to do in regular school classes.
This year I entered 15 of my students in the test, and 8 of them ended up in the top 20! AND, one of them was #1!! So, we were all pretty excited!!
Here are some pictures of my kids and other kids at the ECC Camp in Sunagawa, Hokkaido.

Making team banners on the first day of camp.

Camp cooks!

Some of the guy camers.

And some of the girls. Ayaka, on the right, was the #1 winner!

Saying goodbye to four of my students. I had to leave half-way through camp to fly home to Canada.