Christy Gamache

Friday, May 12, 2006

Our New Home

Last month Bryon moved to Hawaii to work for Parson's, a development company, as an accountant/finance manager for a housing development project in Honolulu. So, after our wedding in September, we'll be living in Hawaii for a couple of years! Wow, I never ever dreamed that I would get to live in Hawaii! What an exciting year this has been and will be.
Here are a few pictures of our new home in Kaneohe...on the windward side of Oahu, about 20 minutes from Honolulu. You're all welcome to come and stay in our spare room! We'd love to have you visit.

Our little Hawaiian cottage...

View from the deck at sunrise...

View in the day...

Bryon on the deck...


After getting engaged, we had a relaxing and fun week. We drove around Oahu, stopping at beaches whenever we felt like a nap or a swim, we watched many kite-surfers (amazing!), we went kayaking, and I even tried surfing for the first time!
It was great to have a whole week in Hawaii, but not feel like I had to do everything since I'll be moving there to join Bryon after our wedding in September. So, lots more time for more adventures later.

Relaxing on the beach after a picnic...

At the south-east corner of Oahu...

At Waimanolo Beach...

Bryon/ice-cream/sun/sand/waves...pretty much perfect!

At a look-out point on our way to go surfing...


After almost 3.5 years of dating, Bryon and I got engaged on May 2nd, in Hawaii! To make a long story short, we kayaked out to a small uninhabited island at sunset and Bryon proposed on the beach there. It was perfect! We didn't have a camera with us at the time, but here are a few pictures taken afterwards...

The island on the left is where we were engaged...

Closer up...

My first roses from Bryon...

Taken at dinner after the proposal....still very shocked and surprised. I knew it was coming, but Bryon still managed to surprise me that night.


The ring!