Christy Gamache

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Daytrip to Otaru

On Saturday Momoko, Saori, Kae and I went to Otaru ( a city about an hour away) for the day. We ate a huge fried chicken for lunch, shopped in all the little glass boutiques, ate famous Otaru ice-cream and made glasses at a glass-blowing factory. Otaru is famous in Japan for it's glass products.



Steam-clock....a replica of the one in Gas-town Vancouver!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Kyudo Tournament

In August I joined the Ishikari kyudo club (kyudo being Japanese archery). We practice every Tuesday and Friday night. In September, after only having shot an arrow twice before, I got to participate in my first kyudo tournament! It was extremely fun, and I am proud to say that I hit not only my target but also my neighbour's target! Yes, I provide much comic relief for all my friends here!

My kyudo teammates..

Setting up for my first shot... (one of my Junior High Schools in the background)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Ishikari Salmon Festival

The Ishikari Salmon festival was a weekend-long event with tons of activities for kids, entertainment, food booths, souvenir booths etc. AND, I got to dress up in the salmon mascot costume for the kids games! It was extremely fun, although a little bit hot : )

Me as "Sake-taro" (boy salmon)...

Sake-ko (girl salmon), Bear, and Sake-taro...

The annual salmon-catch...10 people at a time get chosen from a draw to wade into this big pool of water and catch a huge salmon with their bare hands!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

My students...

Considering that I have approximately 2500 students, you won't get to see pictures of all of them, but here's a sample of how absolutely cute/beautiful Japanese kids are...

My favourite 8th grade boys working on a school festival art project

In the process of making a big "Pooh-san" aka Winnie the Pooh with my 8th grade girls

Some more of my girls...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Terry Fox Run

In September there was a Terry Fox Run in Sapporo. Stephen and I (both from Campbell River) represented Canada. It was so much fun to participate in a Canadian tradition half way around the world with people of all different nationalities. And it was great to be able to support a very worthy cause.

The starting line....can you see me in the red shirt under the 2005 sign?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Potatos and Corn!

On Saturday I went to a potato and corn picking day with Saori and Ueno-san. There were about 100 people, all with big bags. Suddenly the leader called out "Go" and we all went running into this field, and picked as many potatoes and ears of corn as we could!! It was honestly crazy. I had no idea what was going on, but I got totally caught up in the mob mentality, and picked so many potatoes and corn! Then I found out that we had to take everything home that we had picked! All of my friends are definitely going to get little vegetable presents from me soon : )

Ueno-san with her harvest!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Welcome Party

My office threw a welcome party for me in September. We went to a restaurant and had a traditional Japanese meal. It was an absolute feast! The food (and drinks!) never seemed to end.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Dinner at Momoko's

Momoko, Saori and I made temaki sushi....very "oishi"! And very fun to hang out with these two awesome girls.

Me with my little temaki sushi!

Saori and Momoko cooking away...