Christy Gamache

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Arrival in Tokyo

Day one....a sad good-bye at the Vancouver airport, a nine-hour plane ride, and an arrival in crazy, busy, hot Tokyo. Quite the day. Good thing I had Heidi to navigate the streets of Tokyo with. Whether it was attempting to order dinner from a vending machine ( can buy anything and everything from a vending machine!), or attempting to speak Japanese (The first time I tried to speak Japanese, French came out instead!), or using a phone, we somehow figured it out.

Heidi, me and our seat-mate at our first Japanese dinner...

First shopping in the crazy streets of Tokyo...

Another view of the streets of Tokyo...

Day two....meetings, meetings, and more meetings at our hotel. Plus, self-introductions a hundred times over as you meet every other of the thousands of new JETs! But, after the hectic day Keiko (a Japanese friend who I met in Canada four years ago) came in to meet me for dinner despite the typhoon. Thanks Keiko!

Keiko and me...


At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two lovely girls with beautiful smiles meet once again in a far-away land! Missing you both.....


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